Despite being small it is claimed that the country contains 5% of the worlds biodiversity. Costa rica flora and fauna costa rica flora and fauna. Explore the dense and wild flora and fauna of costa rica go. Featured throughout are identification keys, concise descriptions, distribution summaries, and brief diagnostic discussions, plus at least one illustration for. Obviously, tons of stuff are left out, necessarily, but it is an excellent overview of the flora and fauna of costa rica and written by biologists in the various fields. Vida submarina en isla del cano y gandocamanzanillo. Muchos arboles dan nombre a sus rios y poblados como cenuaro. Due to the number and variety of species, costa rica is one of the most admired territories in the world when it comes to biodiversity. Costa rica is one of the biologically wealthiest nations in the world. The country holds a mosaic of natural landscapes offering an amazing array of flora and fauna. Guanacaste covers the majority of the territory of the northern pacific region of costa rica, with weather conditions of high temperatures and warm air with little. Currently the total planted area reaches 2,500 hectares total area of 3500 ha.
Mar 16, 2020 costa rica flora and fauna costa rica flora and fauna. Flora and fauna costa rica if one examines the different ecosystems that exist in costa rica, it becomes apparent that it is one of the biologically wealthiest nations in the world. Some are found in thick forests, vast wetlands, and misty mountains, arid deserts, expansive grasslands and even beneath the soil. Explore the dense and wild flora and fauna of costa rica.
The country has a wealth of natural diversity and within in its boundaries it contains rainforests, mangrove swamps, cloud forests and coral reefs. Tropical plants of costa rica, a guide to native and exotic flora by willow zuchowski. This fact alone shows the spectacular natural splendor that costa rica has to offer. A wonderland with pristine landscapes and a symphony of colors, costa rica offers a magical experience to those who venture here. The incredibly rich topography of costa rica spreads from the cloud forests to the majestic volcanoes to golden beaches and lush jungles. Costa rica, which means rich coast, has the largest percentage of protected areas in the world. You can find hummingbirds, doves, sloths, butterflies all around the country and in some places you may see snakes or giant lizards. Flora y fauna costa rica tiene una fauna rica y abundante.